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Types of indriyas

28 मार्च 2024 by
Rhythmwalk, Abhishek
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The senses (Indriyas) are classified into five types, which regulate an individual's experiences and sensory pleasures. The following are the types:

1. **Gyanendriyas (Organs of Perception)**: These are the five senses connected to the realm of knowledge.

   - Netra (Eyes): The sense organ for perceiving sight or color.

   - Karna (Ears): The sense organ for hearing sound.

   - Nasika (Nose): The sense organ for discerning smell.

   - Jihva (Tongue): The sense organ for tasting.

   - Tvacha (Skin): The sense organ for feeling touch.

2. **Karmendriyas (Organs of Action)**: These are the five senses responsible for controlling actions.

   - Vak (Speech): The sense organ for controlling speech.

   - Pani (Hands): The sense organ for controlling hands.

   - Pada (Feet): The sense organ for controlling feet.

   - Payu (Excretion): The sense organ for controlling excretion.

   - Upastha (Reproductive Organs): The sense organ for reproductive functions.

The coordination of these five organs of perception and five organs of action aids in understanding and controlling an individual's sensitive and active behaviors. This coordination provides stimulation or response to an individual's experiences and actions.

Four Buddhi Indriya that assimilate knowledge, analyze experiences and take decisions for achieving goals.

We all know, we have physical body with various sensory organs, hands and legs. But, body is not the boss of our system, right.. It’s mind (mana) which controls the body. Mind tells what to do and what not to do, and enjoys the pleasures through various sensory organs. 

Is it the mind (mana) that truly rules here?

For instance, when a child visits an ice cream shop, they may become very excited and want everything, but adults typically do not behave in the same way. Many of us may feel the same excitement internally, but we do not express it outwardly.

Why is this so? It is because over time, we have learned how to act, what is appropriate, and what is not. In essence, it is our intellect/Buddhi that governs the mind.

But, is Buddhi the real boss?

Many a times, we take decisions, which can’t be explained by mind/intellect. They just come to us, and we feel it’s right to follow them, and they overrule Buddhi/Mana. People call it by different name like “internal-voice”, etc. 

In Vedic terminology it’s call as Aatma. It is the real YOU inside YOU. Finding that real one, is goal of all Vedic knowledge. It’s the real boss of our system.

Aatma controls Buddhi, Buddhi uses mana to control the physical body (Indriya) to get the life going.

A very beautiful description of this is given in Katha-Upanishad (1.3.3-4):

आत्मान्ँ रथिनं विद्धि शरीर्ँ रथमेव तु । बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रग्रहमेव च ।। 
इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषया्ँ स्तेषु गोचरान् । आत्मेन्द्रियमनोयुक्तं भोक्तेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः ।।

Atman is the master of the chariot, body is chariot, intellect is the charioteer, and the mind are the reins, sensory organs are the horses. 

Coming back to original question, why do we find it difficult to follow what we decide? 

Because we let charioteer, reins or horses to control the show.

It is essential to harness the inner strength we possess in order to steer the course of our lives. By utilizing this power to override the intellect, mind, and senses, you will notice a smoother journey ahead.

Rhythmwalk, Abhishek 28 मार्च 2024
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